멀티악기연주자 권병호
Irreplaceable Multi-Instrumentalist


2018 대한민국 대중음악상 
대중연주실연상(올해의연주자) 수상

권병호(1979~)는 대한민국의 멀티악기 연주자이자 현 한국 음악계를 대표하는 특수 악기 스페셜리스트이다. 고교 시절 성필관(서울시향 수석역임)으로 부터 Oboe 를 사사 받고, 대학에서는 Jazz Piano를 전공했으며 Irish Whistle, Jazz Flute, Accordion Player로도 활발한 활동을 하고 있다. 특별한 음악, 특별한 무대가 만들어지는 다양한 음악 방송에 출연하고 있고, 그 횟수에서 그의 가치를 가늠케 한다.(300여개 음악예능프로 3000회 이상 녹화)

2008년 밀리언셀러를 기록한 ‘SG WANNABE – 라라라’란 곡을 통해 하모니카 붐을 일으켰고 수 없이 많은 광고, 드라마 등을 통해 하모니카의 대중화에 앞장서고 있다. 또한 ‘Gag Concert – 감수성’이라는 인기 Comedy TV쇼에 그의 하모니카 연주가 소재로 쓰이며, 전화벨소리, 방송배경음악 등으로도 큰 인기를 끌었다. 국립국악원, 국립창극단, 서울시국악관현악단, 전주시립국악단  등과의 작업으로 ‘국악의 대중화’에도 기여하고 있으며, magazine Flute&(대한민국 유일의 flute magazine)의 칼럼니스트로 클래식과 팝의 경계를 허무는 작업을 해오고 있다.

현재 Irish Music & World Traditional Music 등 비주류 음악에서도 다양한 악기를 통한 활발한 활동을 하고 있으며, 미국의 SHURE, 독일 NEUMANN, HOHNER, 일본 BOSS,Roland 등의 아티스트로도 활동 중이다.


2018 Korea Popular Music Awards Winner
Recording Artist of Year, Byung Ho Kwon

Byung Ho Kwon (1979~) is a harmonica player and a musician specialized in unconventional instrument and a representative of contemporary Korean music. He majored in jazz piano at Dong-ah Broadcasting Art School, and in high school, he was privately taught Oboe by Pil Guan Seong(former Chief of Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra) and current Director of Art for Life. Now he is a professional player of Irish music, jazz flute, and accordion, He often appears on various music shows on television, which broadcast special music on distinguished stages. His frequent appearance on the stage demonstrates his excellent abilities as a musician and a performer.(More than 300 TV music programs, more than 3000 shots)

In 2008, he touched off a harmonica boom through a song by SG WANNABE Lalala , which achieved a million sales record. He is promoting harmonica among the general public through a lot of media exposure such as TV commercials and scripted shows. A recorded piece of his harmonica performance was used for a skit named Kamsuseong of Gag Concert,’ a very popular comedy showon Korean television. With its popularity, his rendering has been widely used as background music in various fields and nationally distributed as a ringtone, gaining more and more recognition every day.

As a music player who can use both chromatic and diatonic harmonica, he has become a role model of next generation and a music instructor who is promoting not-yet-popular harmonica by making great harmonica sounds and practicing them in various genres. More importantly, he also has been a music columnist since 2007 contributing to a magazine entitled 'Flute&' the only flute magazine in Korea, trying to break down the borderline between classical music and pop music by sharing his perspectives.

Currently, he actively works in diverse fields of music including Irish music and world traditional music using various instruments, he is also a Korean artist in NEUMANN, Hohner, Boss, Roland and SHURE.


レコーディングアーティスト・オブ・ザ・イヤー、Byung Ho Kwon

グォンビョンホ(1979〜)は、大韓民国のマルチ楽器奏者であり、現在の韓国音楽界を代表する特殊楽器のスペシャリストである。高校時代ソンピルグァン(ソウル市響首席を務め)からOboeを師事をし、大学ではJazz Pianoを専攻、Irish Whistle、Jazz Flute、Accordion Playerとしても活発な活動をしている。特別な音楽、特別な舞台が作られている様々な音楽番組に出演しており、その出演回数で彼の価値を測れる.(300以上の音楽番組、3000回以上撮影)

2008年ミリオンセラーを記録した「SG WANNABE  - ラララ」という曲を通じてハーモニカブームを起こし、多くの広告、ドラマなどを通じてハーモニカの普及に力を入れている。また、「Gag Concert  - 感受性」という人気Comedy TV番組で、彼のハーモニカ演奏が素材として使われ、電話の着信音、放送、BGMなどでも大きな人気を集めた。

国立国楽院、国立唱劇団、ソウル市国楽管弦楽団、全州市国楽団などとのコラボで「国楽の大衆化」にも寄与しており、magazine Flute&(大韓民国唯一のflute magazine)のコラムニストでクラシックとポップの境界を崩す作業をしている。

現在Irish MusicやWorld Traditional Musicなどのサブカルチャー音楽でも、様々な楽器を通じた活発な活動をしており、アメリがのSHURE、ドイツNEUMANN, HOHNER、日本のBOSS、Rolandなどのアーティストとしても活動している。 

Book - How to live as an irreplaceable existence
TV Documentary - Multi-Instrumentalist Byung Ho Kwon
CBS News Show - About Education